Monthly Archives: June 2022

What Basking Light For Bearded Dragon?

What Basking Light For Bearded Dragon?

To keep your bearded dragon healthy in captivity, you’ll need specific equipment for heating, lighting, housing, and bedding, among others. One of the most crucial elements for the enclosure is knowing what basking light for bearded dragon is needed? The wattage in a basking bulb can make a big difference in a small enclosure.  Good lighting and the correct light …

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

Tomatoes are typically part of a healthy human diet, but what about beardies? Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? If they can, should owners feed them to bearded dragons? First, let’s go over whether tomatoes are an edible option for your lizard and if they offer any nutritional value.  Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes? The simple answer is Yes; bearded dragons …

What Fruit Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

What Fruit Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons are one of the friendliest, docile, and easy to care for lizards out there. They actually make excellent pets for reptile lovers.  Beardies are considered omnivores, even though most people relate them to eating bugs. They can eat and flourish on various plants, fruits, and insects.  Even for experienced owners, some details are worth revisiting. For example, do …