Bearded dragon toys are an important part of developing a good relationship with your lizards. Normally, owners don’t immediately think they have to get their little beardies toys to play with. They are usually more aware of getting the enclosure, water dish calcium, food, crickets, lamps, substrate, etc.
The thing is, toys are very important for your bearded dragon. Playing helps them develop a better demeanor.It makes them more social and will improve the bond you have with your bearded friend.
Below we have a short article that explains which toys can be a great addition to your bearded dragon paraphernalia.
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Variety of Toys for Bearded Dragons
So what are some good bearded dragon toy options that will keep your lizard entertained? Check our list of recommended toys. Remember that beardies will like very simple items, they aren’t demanding creatures or need anything too fancy. The simplest toys will be the ones that provide the greatest level of entertainment for your little friend. Making sure they have play time is also an important part of a good bearded dragon care guide.
1. Caves or Places to Hide in The Enclosure

Caves and other places to hide in the enclosure will make your bearded dragon a happy camper. Beardies love to dig around the enclosure and hike within confined, cramped spaces. They do this naturally in the wild to feel secure from predators and to cool down, they will also really enjoy having them in their enclosure.
Places, where your bearded dragon can hide and cool off, will basically be a type of shelter for them. In the wild, bearded dragons would most likely burrow and find several places to hide in. Artificial places for them to hide such as small caves or any kind of interesting shelter you can find for them will meet this particular need.
Essentially, hides are miniature shelters. Think of them as a home within a home. A hide gives your beardie some additional privacy while also giving them a place to relax and feel safe.
You can find hiding fixtures for your bearded dragon in several shapes and different sizes, some will even have steps for them to climb and multiple rooms to hide in. You don’t need to buy an expensive hiding place for your dragon, you can easily build one out of materials like wood. If you prefer to save yourself the trouble then maybe something like that one below would be a good addition.
2. Playing Ball With Your Bearded Dragon

The simple ball can be a great addition to your bearded dragons’ toy set, they are great to play with and to exercise for a bit.
Not every bearded dragon will have the same reaction to a ball though, some will love them while others not so much. Most people assume a reptile will not really want to play with something like a ball, that they are too prehistoric to understand how to be entertained by playing with an object.
This cannot be further from the truth, some reptiles, including bearded dragons, will absolutely go nuts for this simple toy. I even had a yellow-footed tortoise from Peru that would chase the ball around the backyard.
When beardies play with the ball, they do so by pushing it around with their snouts. Have you ever seen a lizard chase a ball around its enclosure (if it’s large enough)? This won’t just be entertaining for the dragon but for the owner as well. It’s not quite playing fetch with “fido ” but it’s pretty close.
Make sure to get a small ball that is lightweight and easy to move, avoid heavy rubber balls that might hurt your bearded dragon while playing. There are light rubber balls, ping pong balls are a good match, and just about anything made for cats will usually also work for dragons.
Play with your dragon in a large enough area, if the enclosure is big enough to play in that’s fine but otherwise find another spot.
3. Cat Toys for Bearded Dragons
As long as we’re on the subject, there are plenty of cat toys that, just like balls, will work for bearded dragons. Toys that are used to tease cats such as wands that have toys dangling from them are amazing for bearded dragons. You can try dangling the toy in front of your beardie and what will he do!
Of course, not all bearded dragons will want to play this way however the vast majority will get a nice kick out of it. It’s a great and affordable method to get your bearded dragon to get some exercise in. Again, they are quite affordable so if your beardie damages the toy in any way you will easily be able to replace it.
Avoid anything with very small parts dangling from the wand. This includes items like feathers or just about anything that can come loose too easily. Just like with gravel or sand in the substrate, they could ingest that small dangling item that will cause impaction.
4. Float Toys for Bearded Dragons
Bath time can be quite a fun occasion for your bearded dragon. You can find a wide assortment of floaties for beardies, this can make bath time more enjoyable. Some dragons really dislike having a soak and getting anything that will pique their interest during this time will always be an asset. Bearded dragons will typically climb onto a floating toy while you give them a bath.
If your bearded dragon is among those that enjoy bath time, then a floater might be the perfect accessory for it. You don’t need anything too expensive either, you can cut a foam noodle into small pieces or just purchase a swim toy online.
5. Crinkle Balls For Cats

These shiny pieces of plastic that have been put together in a circular way are an easy option to get your bearded dragon playing. In general, these will be made from a rather noisy material called “mylar”.
These Mylar balls can be purchased at just about any pet store under the cat toy section. These affordable toys also make a noise that will entertain your bearded dragon. If we were going to make a comparison, we could say these are the equivalent of squeak toys for dogs.
6. Resting Hammocks For Bearded Dragons
A staple of bearded dragon toys and accessories is the simple hammock. This is something you will find in most bearded dragon enclosures by default. This is just like what you are thinking, a tiny hammock made from mesh that will attach to the glass in the enclosure. Your dragon will pretty much figure out on its own that all it needs to do is climb onto it.
They will typically use the hammocks too, you guessed it, relax and bask under its lamp. When getting a hammock for your bearded dragon, remember to think about how big they are before you purchase one. Also, consider how large the enclosure is to make sure you can attach it from one end to the other.
7. Holes and Tunnels to Run Through
Bearded dragons will naturally try to burrow and hide in small spaces in their natural habitat. Getting them a tunnel to hide in and run through just makes sense from any perspective. There are several ways for you to place a tunnel for your beardie, the first would be to place a tunnel within the actual enclosure. You can find a variety of plastic, rock, log tunnels for your bearded dragon to sprint through.
Similar to the tunnels used for pet rodents, you can also have a larger tunnel outside its enclosure. You can set this up in an open space like the living room or any room for that matter. Outside might not be the best option until your bearded dragon is big enough to understand that running away is not the best option.
Some bearded dragon owners like to place bits of food within the tunnels to get their pet lizard to explore. This strategy is best implemented when you have several tunnels for the beardie to explore.
8. Bearded Dragon Feeder Ball
What about a feeder ball for your bearded dragon? This works in a similar fashion as feeder or treats balls do for dogs. You simply place food within the feeder ball and have your bearded dragon move it around while it tries to get to the treats. This is a great way to get your beardie to work for its meal and get stimulation at the same time.
You most likely won’t find feeder balls that are small enough for a bearded dragon to play with but we can easily make one from paper and tape. It’s a simple concept that will require some work on behalf of the owner to put one together.
9. Bridges for Bearded Dragons

This next bearded dragon toy will work as a perch and make your pet’s enclosure that much more interesting to look at. You will find a wide variety of bridges that might not be made specifically for a bearded dragon but will work for them regardless.
Make sure you get a bridge that fits into the tank safely, places it on the substrate or you can even create small mounts at the edges. Your bearded dragon will climb on top of the bridge and sit there to relax and get some much-needed heat.
Make sure that when getting a good bridge there are no pointy edges that can harm your lizard as it dashes through the enclosure. The cure at the bottom of the bridge can also work as a place to cool off so it works in many ways.
10. Laser Pointer
Laser pointers tend to be popular toys for your bearded dragon. I would say it is more of a toy for the owner however it can be used to play with your beardie. You can simply shine the laser pointer near your beardie and have them chase it around. This is the same concept that some owners use for cats and dogs.
Bearded dragons are very smart for lizards, they will eventually figure out that the laser pointer is not something worth chasing. Make sure to only use this toy once every 15 days or so and don’t make it an everyday occurrence. Oh yeah, this I assume goes without saying, but don’t ever point the laser directly are your bearded dragon.
You can get a variety of bearded dragon toys to keep your little friend engaged and entertained. From a simple ball to shiny paper and even a tunnel to run through, these are sure to bring fun to you and your bearded dragon