Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

bearded dragons grapes

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes but there are a few steps to take before you give this fruit to your beardies. Bearded dragons are wonderful little lizards that have become more popular as time goes by.

Naturally, you want to know what the best diet for bearded dragons is so you can make sure to properly feed your tiny friend.  There are many fruits and vegetables that are fine for your dragon to eat, let’s go over why grapes are a good snack.

How to Feed Grapes to Your Bearded Dragon?

So, yes your bearded dragon can have grapes but, there are a few conditions that need to be met first. Grapes are actually a great snack for not just dragons but other reptiles as well. 

To give your dragon grapes this start by peeling the skin from the grape and then remove any seeds within the pulp. Yes, it can be an arduous process but the pulp is all your dragon should receive, if possible purchase seedless grapes. 

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

So now the questions is not Can bearded dragons eat grapes? but How often should they actually consume them. Bearded dragons should only be fed grapes on an occasional basis. Think of grapes as a special treat for your pet and not a staple part of their diet. Once you have the grape pulp, you can rub it on their green vegetables for some added texture and flavor. 

The bearded dragon diet should always be made up of primarily insects and vegetables. Sweet treats like grapes and other fruit should always be kept as the occasional treat. 

Remember that dragons will have certain food ratio requirements that will change with age. So, the amount of protein they receive today might not be the same a couple of years down the road. This also applies to treats such as grapes and other sweet fruit. This is all in our Bearded Dragon Care Guide.

Why Feed Grapes Only As a Treat To Bearded Dragons?

Grapes, while a great treat for your beardies, should be a part of their staple diet. Below are a few reasons why limited grapes are a good thing. So, we’ve answered the questions “Can bearded dragons eat grapes”, now let’s get into some of the deficiencies eating grapes too often can bring.

Oxalates in Grapes can Cause Deficiency

To start, grapes contain something called “Oxalates” which will bind to calcium in the body. This means that oxalates will make it difficult for the bearded dragon to absorb the much-needed calcium, this has been a precursor to several health issues in bearded dragons. 

Grapes are a fruit that is not very high in oxalates, to begin with, however, if you feed grapes to your lizard too often, it will most likely lead to an eventual calcium deficiency. 

High Water Content in Grapes

Grapes contain a high water content and bearded dragons naturally live in dry desert-like climates. They typically get all the water they need from the foods they eat. This is not saying you should not give your bearded dragon a water dish, they do eventually get thirsty after all.

The problem is when they receive too much water via their diet, this can lead to bouts of diarrhea which can then lead to dehydration. 

The High Sugar Content 

Grapes are naturally sweet, this is not great for bearded dragons and neither is the fruit acid grapes contain. 

Grape Seeds Can Be Dangerous To Your Bearded Dragon

Grapes, while a delicious treat for your dragon, have the possibility of containing seeds within the pulp. Grape seeds, if ingested by your little friend, can lead to something called “impaction”. 

Impaction basically means that your bearded dragon is not able to have a normal bowel movement because the grape seed is “stuck” in the digestive system. This can lead to a very sick beardie rather quickly and eventually, death. 

What If My Bearded Dragon Ate Grape Seeds?

If by any chance your dragon ate grape seeds and you notice he is not having a regular bowel movement, there are a couple of ideas that will help him get started. 

Start with something simple like giving your bearded dragon a bath in warm water. The level of the water should be shallow, it cannot be any deeper than up to the dragon’s knees. You can then proceed to have the bearded dragon soak in the warm water while you supervise for no more than 15 minutes. 

If this fails, you can move on to plan B, a type of homemade laxative. The laxative can be made from 2-3 drops of Olive Oil, with 1 teaspoon of diluted juice.  The juice should be approximately 3-4 parts sugar-free fruit juice and 1 part water (preferably filtered).

Once the bearded dragon has managed to take the formula, you can go ahead and rub the lizard’s belly ever so gently. If nothing works and you notice your beardie has not been able to have a bowel movement in 5 days I suggest you take the lizard to your veterinarian. 

How to Prep Grapes For Your Bearded Dragon?

If you want to give your beardies grapes then you should always prep them first. Once you have your grapes make sure they have no seeds in them. This is also the rule for seedless grapes, there is always the odd one out that can have a seed in it. Go ahead and remove any seeds from the grape pulp. 

Some pet owners prefer to remove the grape skin and this might be the best method. Just in case you want to avoid any possible impaction, this is also where most of the fiber is in the grape. The truth is bearded dragons will digest grape skin rather well. 

Next, make sure to slice up your grapes into smaller pieces. The smaller the grape pieces the better and easier it will be for your bearded dragon to handle and eat them. I recommend slicing them in four pieces, the size is just about right for the bearded dragon to grab the grapes with their tongue. 

I’ve made it a habit to give my bearded dragon a grape rubbed around his greens. This has given the dragon an incentive to eat its vegetables on more than one occasion.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Leaves?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grape leaves very often, they are low in phosphorus and contain good amounts of protein and calcium. This makes grape leaves a good alternative when feeding greens to your beardie. 

Can I feed Bearded Dragons Any Kind of Grape?

This is a great question. Bearded dragons enjoy mostly all grapes as a treat however, I understand that there are many varieties of grapes out there. Usually, green, purple, or red grapes are just fine to give as a snack. Now, the world is big and there are many varieties of grapes out there. I once bought grapes in Peru which were the size of small apples.

They were the same color and almost as crispy as one. They also had many seeds in them and even though they were big grapes, it would be very difficult to get them all out. The same goes with grapes that are grown for the purposes of making wine, I would not give these to my bearded dragon. 

So in short, other than a few cases, I would mostly say any grape is fine as long as you remove the seeds.

In Conclusion

If you want to give your Bearded dragons a delicious treat then grapes are a good option, they usually have no nuts for something sweet and easy to handle. The trick is to make sure you understand that they are a treat and not part of a regular diet for your lizard. Lastly, make sure you prep the grapes before giving them to the lizards. 

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