Tomatoes are typically part of a healthy human diet, but what about beardies? Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? If they can, should owners feed them to bearded dragons? First, let’s go over whether tomatoes are an edible option for your lizard and if they offer any nutritional value.
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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?
The simple answer is Yes; bearded dragons can safely eat tomatoes. However, they should only have them once in a while. Adding tomatoes to your dragon’s diet is acceptable as a treat or a topping over greens, but they come with a few health risks if overly used.
If you want to feed your bearded dragon tomatoes, remember that they should be ripened and raw. Uncooked tomatoes do offer some potential health benefits. Never cook tomatoes (or any other food) for your bearded dragon.
Let’s check on some important benefits of feeding raw tomato to your bearded dragon.
Are Tomatoes Healthy For Bearded Dragons?

First off, tomatoes are a good source of antioxidant beta carotene. Beta Carotene is essential for the skin, protein synthesis, and healthy eyes. Some beta carotene is good; however, too much can lead to the oversaturation of vitamin A in the system. Too much vitamin A can lead to high toxicity levels in the organism. So again, a little bit is fine and will benefit, but overfeeding tomatoes can lead to unwanted vitamin A toxicity.
If you are feeding your bearded dragon supplements, ensure you are not going over the allowed beta carotene and vitamin A toxicity levels since your bearded dragon would receive two separate sources.
Tomatoes are also full of the antioxidant lycopene that assists in boosting the immune system, and it also helps to reduce inflammation in bearded dragons.
Tomatoes are also considered a fruit that is low in fructose compared to other types of fruit. Fruit containing high sugar can lead to digestive issues, teething problems, and possible unhealthy weight gain in bearded dragons.
Tomatoes also have a good content of vitamin C, an essential nutrient assisting in growth, strengthening the immune system, cell repair, and overall maintenance of the body.
We also find vitamin B9 in tomatoes, which is suitable for reproduction and a good supplement for bearded dragons in gestation.
We can also find Potassium in tomatoes which can help your bearded dragon regulate their blood sugar levels throughout the day.
Tomatoes are also a food that is low in oxalates. When feeding reptiles, you want to keep oxalates to a minimum since they can lead to a calcium deficiency. Oxalates bind to calcium which is then excreted in bearded dragon poop instead of absorbed during the digestive process.
A calcium deficiency can lead to severe problems like metabolic bone disease (MBD). MBD can lead to weak bones, limping, fractures, and death. Other negative issues caused by high oxalate foods are kidney stones which can be extremely painful for bearded dragons (and humans).
Potential Health Risks In Tomatoes For Bearded Dragons
There are a few health risks associated with overfeeding tomatoes to bearded dragons. A few pieces of chopped tomato are usually OK, but it should only be done occasionally. The negative aspects of feeding tomatoes are listed below.
In general, tomatoes are not a very good source of the essential calcium a bearded dragon needs. However, beardies need plenty of calcium in their diet; it is vital for growth and health.
Tomatoes are also a bit too high in phosphorus for bearded dragons. High amounts of phosphorus will give the same result as oxalates. They will bind to calcium and excrete as bearded dragon poop.
Most owners will need to supplement calcium into their diet to ensure they are getting enough. Usually, a bearded dragon will get the necessary calcium from their leafy green diet. Owners can also gut load insects like crickets with greens as an additional source of calcium.
Tomatoes are too acidic and can cause gastrointestinal issues in bearded dragons like diarrhea. Diarrhea, In addition, can be life-threatening for a bearded dragon if it leads to dehydration. The high acidity levels in tomatoes can also cause the prevention of absorption of nutrients; this, in turn, will cause nutritional imbalances that can lead to diseases like MBS.
Tomatoes are also considered too high in water content, and the estimate is around 95% water. Hydration is essential for living beings, including desert-dwelling creatures like bearded dragons. The issue is when they ingest too much water, this can also lead to loose stools, diarrhea, and ultimately dehydration.
What Kind Of Tomatoes Can I Feed My Bearded Dragon?
Mostly all tomatoes are very similar when it comes to their composition and nutritional value. Therefore, most tomatoes are an occasional treat for a bearded dragon.
Whether you decide to chop up small cherry tomatoes or dice a regular-sized tomato, it doesn’t matter. Just make sure the tomato is ripe enough to feed. This means that if it is too unripe for you to take a bite, it isn’t suitable for your bearded dragon either.
A tomato that is too green to be edible will have high amounts of a compound called solanine, which can be toxic when ingested.
There are smaller versions of tomatoes that have higher concentrations of sugar. These more petite tomatoes are also acceptable to feed your dragon; again, ensure to provide them occasionally.
Tomatoes should always be cut, sliced, chopped, and/or diced before feeding your bearded dragon. Even small varieties like cherry or grape tomatoes can be a choking hazard if the pieces are too large.
Before feeding your bearded dragon tomatoes, remove any stems, vines, or leaves from the tomatoes. Most green parts of the tomato (including the vines) will have levels of solanine that are too high for a bearded dragon.
How to Feed your Bearded Dragon Tomatoes?
So now we know the answer to “Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?” Let’s review how to prepare them before giving them to your beardies.
- Take the tomato and wash it well to remove any pesticides that might remain on the tomato skin. If possible, try to purchase organic pesticide-free tomatoes for your bearded dragon.
- Grab the tomato and slice it into quarters. You can also chop or dice the tomato in chunks. Some bearded dragons will prefer how the tomato is cut, so try out different variations.
- Continue by removing all of the seeds from the tomato. Seeds can be a choking hazard when ingested or even worse. They can get stuck in your dragon’s digestive tract and cause impaction.
- Now cut the larger slices (or chunks) of tomato into even smaller bite-sized portions of tomato.
- Place the small pieces of tomato over the leafy greens typically fed to bearded dragons.
- If a tomato is spoiled, has bruises, or is too soft, then do not feed it to your bearded dragon. Soft or “over-ripened” tomatoes can be just as bad as green, unripened tomatoes.
- Remember, if you wouldn’t eat the tomato, you should not be feeding it to your pet beardie.
How Much Tomato Should A Bearded Dragon Eat?
Bearded dragons should only eat about half a medium tomato or up to three cherry tomatoes spread out for an entire month. The amounts can vary depending on the size and age of your bearded dragon. A larger adult dragon will be able to eat more pieces of tomato than a younger and smaller species.
Place the tomato pieces on top of a bearded dragon’s green salads as a staple in their diet. The tomatoes usually entice fuzzy eaters into digging into their dark leafy greens.
As previously suggested, try to add some calcium powder as a supplement to your bearded dragon’s plate. Calcium is kind when it comes to pet reptiles like bearded dragons.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bearded Dragons Eating Tomates
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomato Worms?
Bearded dragons love to eat smaller critters like insects and worms. Tomato worms, or “tomato hornworms” as they are typically called, are no different. Most small insects will be good protein-rich food for your bearded dragon, so hornworms are fine. I prefer to get feeder insects from the pet store, though. Wild insects can be diseased or contain parasites.
How Often Should I Feed Tomatoes To A Bearded Dragon?
You can feed tomatoes to your bearded dragon once a month, and that’s about it. Tomatoes should only be used as an occasional treat for your bearded dragon. Providing bearded dragons tomatoes too often can have health risks like overexposure to acidity, high water content, and oxalates. Feeding just once a month with the correct amount of tomato will provide vitamin A and C, which have health benefits.
Can I Feed Tomato Leaves Or Stems To My Bearded Dragon?
No, you should never try to feed tomato leaves, stems, or tomato vines to your bearded dragon.
Should I Feed Tomatoes to My Juvenile or Baby Bearded Dragon?
Juvenile and baby bearded dragons mostly eat insects like small crickets during their early stages of life, around 80% of their diet. So there isn’t much reason to feed them tomatoes or any other type of fruit at this point.
The other 20% of their diet should focus on dark leafy greens and calcium supplements to help them grow and develop strong bones.
As the bearded dragon grows, owners can vary diets a bit and add items like tomatoes, papaya, mangoes, and other types of fruit.
So Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes? The short answer is yes but in moderation. Remember to limit their intake of tomatoes to once a month and make sure to slice them small enough to be bitesize pieces for them to ingest. Removing the seeds is also essential since they can be hazardous and won’t provide any health benefits.
For more information on how to care for your bearded dragon, check out the bearded dragon care guide.