How to Trim Bearded Dragon Nails

trim bearded dragon nails

Trim bearded dragon nails when they get too long and pointy. Your bearded dragon will put on size and strength as it gets older. This means that at one point handling the beardie might become somewhat of an issue once you notice the sharp spikes along its body. This will also be apparent when you see the long, needle-like talons it has grown over its life. At this point is when you understand that you will have to actually have to learn about trimming bearded dragon nails. 

How Do You Trim Your Bearded Dragon’s Nails?

Trimming your bearded dragon’s nails can be done by holding them as steady as possible, this includes their arms and feet. This will of course requirements your bearded dragon to have a good and trusting relationship with you. We normally use a basic set of toenail clippers to go and trim only the sharp ends of the bearded dragon’s nail.

Depending on how tame your lizard is, trimming your bearded dragon’s nails can take less than a minute to finish. So let’s go over a few main points about giving your beardies a nice trim. 

Do Bearded Dragons Need Their Nails Trimmed?

A bearded dragon will need to have its nails trimmed once it reaches a certain size and age. Its nails will begin to resemble tiny daggers that can easily puncture your skin. The Dragon doesn’t know it’s hurting you with its tiny talons, it simply reacts as it normally would when being handled. 

This is also a bad health scenario for the bearded dragon. If its nails are too long, it will force the lizard to stand at a weird angle that will put pressure on its toes. This in turn will make their toes twist and cause plenty of discomfort during movement. 

Bearded dragons like to climb, they are very comfortable running up trees or any other vertical surface they can jump on. In the wild, beardies would simply wear down their nails due to all the activity related to catching food. In an enclosure this is not the case, once their nails get too long they no longer have the tools to comfortably climb. 

Another reason to keep their nails short is to prevent them from getting caught on the substrate, carpet, clothing, etc. Once the nail snags onto the fabric, it can easily be ripped right off. Even newspapers can become a problem for a bearded dragon with overly long nails. 

When Is It Time To Trim a Bearded Dragon’s Nails?

If you have puncture wounds or scratches from handling your bearded dragon then it is definitely time to trim your beardie’s nails. If you notice that your bearded dragon’s nails bend the toes as it is walking on a hard surface, it is time to trim. 

What Do I Use To Trim My Bearded Dragon’s Nails?

For most situations, you will need a standard toenail clipper meant for humans to trim your bearded dragon’s nails. There are several sources that might suggest using a special clipper meant for this particular species.

This is not really necessary unless you have a particularly large reptile that might need specialty clippers. Maybe a 24 inch + bearded dragon would need something that is species dedicated but not your average beardie. 

Make sure the clippers are clean though. It is customary to keep them clean with alcohol after you are done using them. Remember that bearded dragons will most likely carry some kind of bacteria on their nails so it is a good idea to be careful. It is, of course, a better idea to just have a dedicated pair of trimmers for your bearded dragon. 

Other items you’ll need to trim your bearded dragon’s nails are styptic powder or any other substance that will clot blood. We recommend you get this just in case you cut too close to the vein in the toes.

It does not normally happen but if your dragon is particularly squirmy it is best to have a styptic on hand. I have been using this for my pets for years and you really never know when you’ll need it. 

Make Sure To Handle Your Bearded Dragon on a Regular Basis

The hardest part about trimming your bearded dragon’s nails will be keeping it still. Beardies will try to wiggle around as you try to trim their long nails. Having a good relationship with your lizard will be key when handling them. If you only pick them up whenever you want to give them a trim, they might turn out to be a lot more apprehensive of the idea of nail trimming. 

Make sure you always set time aside to give your bearded dragon a bath and for playtime sessions. Not just once in a while, but several times per week. It is key to have your bearded dragon socialized so he behaves well when you have to eventually trim its nails. 

This type of lizard will greatly benefit from daily human contact, they become more cooperative and easier to handle overall.

Why If My Beardie is Squirmy?

Some bearded dragons will remain squirmy even if you have plenty of interaction with them. Some just prefer to not be held no matter how much you play with them. There are some beardies that just get too excited when they see their owner because they think it is feeding time. If your bearded dragon acts this way, it will be too hyperactive to trim its nails. 

If this is the case then it is best to maybe try again at a later time. Since they are cold-blooded animals, they can’t be hyperactive all the time. A simple solution is to wait until late in the day when your dragon is tired. They might be just a little bit too groggy to even care. 

You can also try a warm towel to wrap around the bearded dragon, This can help in keeping them calm before trimming. Lastly, try to interact with your dragon once they have been in the shade. This will usually transfer to being less active and thus, less likely to squirm. This is one of the most important parts of Bearded Dragon Care.

How to Hold A Bearded Dragon To Trim Their Nails?

Most owners will have a very gentle bearded dragon that will gladly sit still while you trim their nails. Some other owners won’t be so lucky. Bearded dragons are very sociable lizards but it doesn’t always mean they will be easy to handle. We recommend that you hold the beardie securely while one of their legs fits between your fingers. As you separate its appendages between your fingers, it reduces the chances of you hurting it while you try to trim. 

Lastly, try to do this while sitting down on the ground, or on a big enough surface so that your bearded dragon doesn’t fall and hurt itself. 

How To Trim Bearded Dragon’s Nails?

So how do we go about trimming the beardie nails? Well, first let’s remember that the entire nail is made of keratin so it is similar to most all other animal nails. When you see the nail, you’ll notice a dark stripe of color running down alongside it.

This is just a pigment and not to be confused with the “quick”. The quick is a fleshy section that we do not want to trim near to. Remember that we are simply cutting the tips and this does not mean trimming as much as possible. 

When you inspect the nail you will notice a sort of “bump” where it begins to thicken. That thicker portion is where you set a limit to how far you can cut. In reality, you will just need to cut the tip of the nail and not much more.  When it comes to trimming their nails, remember that less is more. 

Once you are finished with the trimming, reward the bearded dragon with some kind of snack. Anything that they can begin to relate to nail trimming so that they see it as a positive experience. All following trims, and other matters that require handling, will get easier over time. 

It’s Easier Than it Looks

To be quite honest, trimming a bearded dragon’s nails is easier than doing so for a dog or a cat. My dog always hated getting his nails trimmed no matter how much socializing and “treats he got”. It could take me 20  minutes to over 1hour to get all his nails nice and trimmed whereas it takes me a minute or so to trim them on my bearded dragon.

Remember that a bearded dragon is a small animal so overall they are easier to handle, the trick is to have regular play sessions with them. Everything else after that will be much easier. 

How Often Do You Need To Trim a Bearded Dragon’s Nails?

Once your dragon is big enough you should trim its nails once every 90 to 120 days. Some bearded dragons might need trimming more often due to diet and exercise and some older dragons less often. The type of substrate you use will also determine how often you should trim their nails.


Trimming your bearded dragon’s nails can seem overwhelming at first but can prove to be a quick and simple task. The key is for your dragon to already have a trusting relationship with you. The rest is to make sure you notice how much you need to cut and stay away from the quick. The first time will likely seem difficult but in the next few trimmings will be gradually easier. 

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